For a full list of publications and patents see below or go to Google Scholar
This study shows how race moderates the relationship between language and depression, with I-usage predicting depression in White individuals but not in Black individuals. These results show that psychological processes thought to predict depression may be less relevant in populations historically excluded from psychological research.
Rai, S., Stade, E. C., Giorgi, S., Francisco, A., Ungar, L. H., Curtis, B., and Guntuku, S. C.
Here explored the potential of generative AI systems in supporting substance use disorder treatment. Clinicians rated AI-generated responses to substance use questions highly (even calling ChatGPT a “great listener”), despite the fact generations included disinformation and dangerous medical advice.
Giorgi, S., Isman, K., Liu, T., Fried, Z., Sedoc, J., and Curtis, B.
We used mobile phone sensor data to characterize patients with alcohol-associated liver disease and alcohol use disorder. Patient data showed relationships between certain sensor features, like location entropy, and alcohol craving; we also found that sensors that correlate with mood tend also to correlate with craving.
Wu, T., Sherman, G., Giorgi, S., Thanneeru, P., Ungar, L.H., Kamath, P.S., Simonetto, D.A., Curtis, B.L., & Shah, V.H.
Hepatology Communications (2023)
Modeling Human Subjectivity in LLMs Using Explicit and Implicit Human Factors in Personas
Giorgi, S., Liu, T., Aich, A., Isman, K., Sherman, G., Fried, Z., Sedoc, J., Ungar, L.H. and Curtis, B.
Findings of EMNLP (2024)
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Key language markers of depression on social media depend on race
Rai, S., Stade, E. C., Giorgi, S., Francisco, A., Ungar, L. H., Curtis, B., and Guntuku, S. C.
PNAS (2024)
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Evaluating generative AI responses to real-world drug-related questions
Giorgi, S., Isman, K., Liu, T., Fried, Z., Sedoc, J., and Curtis, B.
Psychiatry Research (2024)
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Designing clinical trials to address alcohol use and alcohol-associated liver disease: an expert panel Consensus Statement
Lee, B., Witkiewitz, K., Mellinger, J., Anania, F., Bataller, R., Cotter, T., Curtis, B., Dasarathy, S., DeMartini, K., Diamond, I., Diazgranados, N., DiMartini, A., Falk, D., Fernandez, A., German, M., Kamath, P., Kidwell, K., Leggio, L., Litten, R., Louvet, A., Lucey, M., McCaul, M., Sanyal, A., Singal, A., Sussman, N., Terrault, N., Thursz, M., Verna, E., Radaeva, S., Nagy, L., Mitchell, M.
Nature Reviews: Gastroenterology and Hepatology (2024)
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Lived Experience Matters: Automatic Detection of Stigma toward People Who Use Substances on Social Media
Giorgi, S., Bellew, D., Habib, D. R. S., Sedoc, J., Smitterberg, C., Devoto, A., Himelein-Wachowiak, M., & Curtis, B.
ICWSM (2024)
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Insights into ALD & AUD diagnosis and prognosis: Exploring AI and multi-modal data streams
Narayanan, P., Wu, T., Shah, V. H., & Curtis, B.
Hepatology (2024)
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Differential temporal utility of passively sensed smartphone features for depression and anxiety symptom prediction: a longitudinal cohort study
Stamatis, C.A., Meyerhoff, J., Meng, Y., Lin, Z.C.C., Cho, Y.M., Liu, T., Karr, C.J., Liu, T., Curtis, B.L., Ungar, L.H. & Mohr, D.C.
npj Mental Health Research (2024)
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Development of a Novel Method of Assessing Potential Loss of Control in Internet Gaming Disorder
Demko, Z., Liu, T., Curtis, B., & Green, C. S.
Technology, Mind, and Behavior (2023)
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A linguistic analysis of dehumanization toward substance use across three decades of news articles
Giorgi, S., Habib, D.R.S., Bellew, D., Sherman, G. and Curtis, B.
Frontiers in Public Health (2023)
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Relationship between self-stigma about alcohol dependence and severity of alcohol drinking and craving
Crozier, M. E., Farokhnia, M., Persky, S., Leggio, L., & Curtis, B.
BMJ Mental Health (2023)
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AI-based analysis of social media language predicts addiction treatment dropout at 90 days
Curtis, B., Giorgi, S., Ungar, L., Vu, H., Yaden, D., Liu, T., Yadetta, K., & Schwartz, H. A.
Neuropsychopharmacology (2023)
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Effect of integrating patient-generated digital data into mental health therapy: a randomized controlled trial
Merchant, R., Southwick, L., Beidas, R., Mandell, D., Guntuku, S., Pelullo, A., Yang, L., Mitra, N., Curtis, B., Ungar, L., Asch, D.
Psychiatric Services (2023)
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Role of the media in promoting the dehumanization of people who use drugs
Habib, D. R. S., Giorgi, S., & Curtis, B.
The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse (2023)
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Analyzing text message linguistic features: Do people with depression communicate differently with their close and non-close contacts?
Meyerhoff, J., Liu, T., Stamatis, C., Liu, T., Wang, H., Meng, Y., Curtis, B., Karr, C., Sherman, G., Ungar, Lyle., Mohr, D.
Behaviour Research and Therapy (2023)
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Differences in mental health and alcohol use across profiles of COVID-19 disruptions
Gray, B., Liu, T., Fisher, C., Curtis, B.
Alcohol and Alcoholism (2023)
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Predicting US county opioid poisoning mortality from multi-modal social media and psychological self-report data
Giorgi, S., Yaden, D., Eichstaedt, J., Ungar, L., Schwartz, H. A., Kwarteng, A., Curtis, B.
Scientific Reports (2023)
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Different affordances on facebook and SMS text messaging do not impede generalization of language-based predictive models
Liu, T., Giorgi, S., Tao, X., Guntuku, S. C., Bellew, D., Curtis, B., Ungar, L.
ICWSM (2023)
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Racial and ethnic bias in the diagnosis of alcohol use disorder in veterans
Vickers-Smith, R., Justice, A. C., Becker, W. C., Rentsch, C. T., Curtis, B., Fernander, A., Hartwell, E. E., Ighodaro, E. T., Kember, R. L., Tate, J., Kranzler, H. R.
American Journal of Psychiatry (2023)
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Detecting Symptoms of Depression on Reddit
Liu, T., Jain, D., Rapole, S. R., Curtis, B., Eichstaedt, J. C., Ungar, L. H., Guntuku, S. C.
ACM Web Science Conference (2023)
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Pandemic distress associated with segregation and social stressors
Turpin, R., Giorgi, S., Curtis, B.
Frontiers in Public Health (2023)
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Opioid death projections with AI-based forecasts using social media language
Matero, M., Giorgi, S., Curtis, B., Ungar, L. H., Schwartz, H. A.
NPJ Digital Medicine (2023)
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Measuring disadvantage: A systematic comparison of United States small-area disadvantage indices
Lou, S., Giorgi, S., Liu, T., Eichstaedt, J. C., Curtis, B.
Health and Place (2023)
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COVID-related social determinants of substance use disorder among diverse US racial ethnic groups
Tao, X., Liu, T., Fisher, C. B., Giorgi, S., Curtis, B.
Social Science and Medicine (2023)
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Linguistic methodologies to surveil the leading causes of mortality: scoping review of Twitter for public health data
Lane, J., Habib, D., Curtis, B
Journal of Medical Internet Research (2023)
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Smartphone sensor data estimate alcohol craving in a cohort of patients with alcohol-associated liver disease and alcohol use disorder
Wu, T., Sherman, G., Giorgi, S., Thanneeru, P., Ungar, L.H., Kamath, P.S., Simonetto, D.A., Curtis, B.L., & Shah, V.H.
Hepatology Communications (2023)
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Specific associations of passively sensed smartphone data with future symptoms of avoidance, fear, and physiological distress in social anxiety
Stamatis, C.A., Liu, T., Meyerhoff, J., Meng, Y., Cho, Y.M., Karr, C.J., Curtis, B.L., Ungar, L.H. and Mohr, D.C.
Internet Interventions (2023)
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AWARE-TEXT: An Android Package for Mobile Phone Based Text Collection and On-Device Processing
Giorgi, S., Sherman, G., Bellew, D., Guntuku, S.C., Ungar, L. and Curtis, B.
3rd Workshop for Natural Language Processing Open Source Software at EMNLP (2023)
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Leveraging AI to predict substance use disorder treatment outcomes
Giorgi, S. and Curtis, B.
Neuropsychopharmacology (2023)
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Extended impact of the COVID-19 pandemic: Trajectories of mental health and substance use among US adults, September 2020–August 2021
Tao, X., Liu, T., Giorgi, S., Fisher, C.B. and Curtis, B.
Drug and Alcohol Dependence Reports (2023)
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Patterns of demoralization and anhedonia during early substance use disorder treatment and associations with treatment attrition
Rabinowitz, J.A., Ellis, J.D., Strickland, J.C., Hochheimer, M., Zhou, Y., Young, A.S., Curtis, B. and Huhn, A.S.
Journal of Affective Disorders (2023)
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Head versus heart: social media reveals differential language of loneliness from depression
Liu, T., Ungar L.H., Curtis, B., Sherman, G., Yadeta, K., Tay, L., Eichstaedt, J.C., & Guntuku, S.C
npj Mental Health Research (2022)
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Daily diary study of loneliness, alcohol, and drug use during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Bragard, E., Giorgi, S., Juneau, P., & Curtis, B.
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research (2022)
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Linguistic predictors from Facebook postings of substance use disorder treatment retention versus discontinuation
Liu, T., Giorgi, S., Yadeta, K., Schwartz, H.A., Ungar, L.H., & Curtis, B.
The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse (2022)
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Nonsuicidal Self-Injury and Substance Use Disorders: A Shared Language of Addiction
Giorgi, S., Himelein-Wachowiak, M., Habib, D., Ungar, L.H., & Curtis, B.
Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology (2022)
[pdf; bibtex; supplement]
Using Facebook language to predict and describe excessive alcohol use
Jose, R., Matero, M., Sherman, G., Curtis, B., Giorgi, S., Schwartz, H.A., & Ungar, L.H.
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research (2022)
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Twitter Corpus of the #BlackLivesMatter Movement and Counter Protests: 2013 to 2021
Giorgi, S., Guntuku, S. C., Himelein-Wachowiak, M., Kwarteng, A., Hwang, S., Rahman, M., & Curtis, B.
Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (2022)
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Getting ‘clean’ from nonsuicidal self-injury: Experiences of addiction on the subreddit r/selfharm
Himelein-Wachowiak, M., Giorgi, S., Kwarteng, A., Schriefer, D., Smitterberg, C., Yadeta, K., Bragard, E., Devoto, A., Ungar, L., & Curtis, B.
Journal of Behavioral Addictions (2022)
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Women’s substance use and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic
Devoto, A., Himelein-Wachowiak, M., Liu, T, & Curtis, B.
Women’s Health Issues (2022)
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COVID-Related Victimization, Racial Bias and Employment and Housing Disruption Increase Mental Health Risk Among US Asian, Black and Latinx Adults
Fisher, C. B., Tao, X., Liu, T., Giorgi, S., & Curtis, B.
Frontiers in Public Health (2021)
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Loneliness and Daily Alcohol Consumption During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Bragard, E., Giorgi, S., Juneau, P., & Curtis, B.
Alcohol and Alcoholism (2021)
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A daily diary study into the effects on mental health of COVID-19 pandemic related behaviors
Shaw, P., Blizzard, S., Shastri, G., Kundzicz, P., Curtis, B., Ungar, L., & Koehly, L.
Psychological Medicine (2021)
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Efficacy and comparative effectiveness of telephone and smartphone remote continuing care interventions for alcohol use disorder: A randomized controlled trial
McKay, J. R., Gustafson, D. H., Ivey, M., Pe-Romashko, K., Curtis, B., Thomas, T., Oslin, D. W., Polsky, D., Quanbeck, A., & Lynch, K. G.
Addiction (2021)
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Child reward neurocircuitry and parental substance use history: Findings from the adolescent brain cognitive development study
Kwarteng, A. E., Rahman, M. M., Gee, D. G., Infante, M. A., Tapert, S. F., & Curtis, B.
Addictive Behaviors (2021)
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Beyond abstinence and relapse II: Momentary relationships between stress, craving, and lapse within clusters of patients with similar patterns of drug use
Panlilio, L. V., Stull, S. W., Bertz, J. W., Burgess-Hull, A. J., Lanza, S. T., Curtis, B. L., Phillips, K. A., Epstein, D. H., & Preston, K. L.
Psychopharmacology (2021)
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Alcohol‐associated liver disease before and after COVID‐19—An overview and call for ongoing investigation
Moon, A. M., Curtis, B., Mandrekar, P., Singal, A. K., Verna, E. C., & Fix, O. K.
Hepatology Communications (2021)
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Bots and misinformation spread on social media: Implications for COVID-19
Himelein-Wachowiak, M., Giorgi, S., Devoto, A., Rahman, M., Ungar, L., Schwartz, H. A., Epstein, D. H., Leggio, L., & Curtis, B.
Journal of Medical Internet Research (2021)
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Accuracy of Consumer‐marketed smartphone‐paired alcohol breath testing devices: A laboratory validation study
Delgado, M. K., Shofer, F., Wetherill, R., Curtis, B., Hemmons, J., Spencer, E., Branas, C., Wiebe, D. J., & Kranzler, H. R.
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research (2021)
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Perceived risks and amelioration of harm in research using mobile technology to support antiretroviral therapy adherence in the context of methamphetamine use: A focus group study among minorities living with HIV
Pasipanodya, E. C., Kohli, M., Fisher, C. B., Moore, D. J., & Curtis, B.
Harm Reduction Journal (2020)
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Perceived confidentiality risks of mobile technology-based ecologic momentary assessment to assess high-risk behaviors among rural men who have sex with men
Hubach, R. D., O’Neil, A., Stowe, M., Giano, Z., Curtis, B., & Fisher, C. B.
Archives of Sexual Behavior (2020)
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Cultural differences in Tweeting about drinking across the US
Giorgi, S., Yaden, D. B., Eichstaedt, J. C., Ashford, R. D., Buffone, A. E., Schwartz, H. A., Ungar, L. H., & Curtis, B.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (2020)
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Prediction of stress and drug craving ninety minutes in the future with passively collected GPS data
Epstein, D. H., Tyburski, M., Kowalczyk, W. J., Burgess-Hull, A. J., Phillips, K. A., Curtis, B. L., & Preston, K. L.
NPJ Digital Medicine (2020)
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‘They know what they are getting into’: Researchers confront the benefits and challenges of online recruitment for HIV research
Bragard, E., Fisher, C. B., & Curtis, B.
Ethics & Behavior (2020)
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Digital recovery networks: Characterizing user participation, engagement, and outcomes of a novel recovery social network smartphone application
Ashford, R. D., Giorgi, S., Mann, B., Pesce, C., Sherritt, L., Ungar, L., & Curtis, B.
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment (2020)
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Systematic review: Digital recovery support services used to support substance use disorder recovery
Ashford, R. D., Bergman, B. G., Kelly, J. F., & Curtis, B.
Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies (2020)
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Building recovery ready communities: The recovery ready ecosystem model and community framework
Ashford, R. D., Brown, A. M., Ryding, R., & Curtis, B.
Addiction Research & Theory (2020)
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Characterizing participation and perceived engagement benefits in an integrated digital behavioral health recovery community for women: A cross-sectional survey
Curtis, B., Bergman, B., Brown, A., McDaniel, J., Harper, K., Eisenhart, E., Hufnagel, M., Heller, A. T., & Ashford, R.
JMIR Mental Health (2019)
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Utilization of peer-based substance use disorder and recovery interventions in rural emergency departments: Patient characteristics and exploratory analysis
Ashford, R. D., Meeks, M., Curtis, B., & Brown, A. M.
Journal of Rural Mental Health (2019)
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Responding to the opioid and overdose crisis with innovative services: the recovery community center office-based opioid treatment (RCC-OBOT) model
Ashford, R. D., Brown, A. M., McDaniel, J., Neasbitt, J., Sobora, C., Riley, R., Weinstein, L., Laxton, A., Kunzelman, J., Kampman, K., & Curtis, B.
Addictive Behaviors (2019)
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Reducing harm and promoting recovery through community-based mutual aid: Characterizing those who engage in a hybrid peer recovery community organization
Ashford, R. D., Brown, A. M., Dorney, G., McConnell, N., Kunzelman, J., McDaniel, J., & Curtis, B.
Addictive Behaviors (2019)
[pdf; bibtex]
Recovery dialects: A pilot study of stigmatizing and nonstigmatizing label use by individuals in recovery from substance use disorders
Ashford, R. D., Brown, A. M., Ashford, A., & Curtis, B.
Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology (2019)
[pdf; bibtex; supplement]
Comparison of smartphone ownership, social media use, and willingness to use digital interventions between generation z and millennials in the treatment of substance use: Cross-sectional questionnaire study
Curtis, B. L., Ashford, R. D., Magnuson, K. I., & Ryan-Pettes, S. R.
Journal of medical Internet research (2019)
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Parental identification and response to adolescent substance use and substance use disorders
Curtis, B., Ashford, R., Rosenbach, S., Stern, M., & Kirby, K.
Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy (2019)
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Alumni characteristics of collegiate recovery programs: A national survey
Brown, A. M., Ashford, R. D., Figley, N., Courson, K., Curtis, B., & Kimball, T.
Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly (2019)
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Commentary on Cohn and Colleagues: Discussions of Alcohol Use in an Online Social Network for Smoking Cessation: Analysis of Topics, Sentiment, and Social Network Centrality (ACER, 2019)
Ashford, R. D., & Curtis, B. L.
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research (2019)
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Biased labels: An experimental study of language and stigma among individuals in recovery and health professionals
Ashford, R. D., Brown, A. M., McDaniel, J., & Curtis, B.
Substance Use & Misuse (2019)
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“Abusing addiction”: Our language still isn’t good enough
Ashford, R. D., Brown, A. M., & Curtis, B.
Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly (2019)
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The language of substance use and recovery: Novel use of the go/no–go association task to measure implicit bias
Ashford, R. D., Brown, A. M., & Curtis, B.
Health Communication (2019)
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A mixed-methods exploration of the role and impact of stigma and advocacy on substance use disorder recovery
Ashford, R. D., Brown, A. M., Canode, B., McDaniel, J., & Curtis, B.
Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly (2019)
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Expanding language choices to reduce stigma: A Delphi study of positive and negative terms in substance use and recovery
Ashford, R. D., Brown, A., & Curtis, B.
Health Education (2019)
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Engaging the African American church to improve communication about palliative care and hospice: Lessons from a multilevel approach
Johnson, J., Hayden, T., Taylor, L. A., Gilbert, A., Jones Jr, C. H., Mitchell, M. P. H., & Curtis, B.
Journal of Palliative Care (2019)
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Effects of automated smartphone mobile recovery support and telephone continuing care in the treatment of alcohol use disorder: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
McKay, J. R., Gustafson, D. H., Ivey, M., McTavish, F., Pe-Romashko, K., Curtis, B., Oslin, D. A., Polsky, D., Quanbeck, A., & Lynch, K. G.
Trials (2018)
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Meta‐analysis of the association of alcohol‐related social media use with alcohol consumption and alcohol‐related problems in adolescents and young adults
Curtis, B. L., Lookatch, S. J., Ramo, D. E., McKay, J. R., Feinn, R. S., & Kranzler, H. R.
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research (2018)
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Can Twitter be used to predict county excessive alcohol consumption rates?
Curtis, B., Giorgi, S., Buffone, A. E., Ungar, L. H., Ashford, R. D., Hemmons, J., Summers, D., Hamilton, C., & Schwartz, H. A.
PloS One (2018)
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Technology and social media use among patients enrolled in outpatient addiction treatment programs: Cross-sectional survey study
Ashford, R. D., Lynch, K., & Curtis, B.
Journal of Medical Internet Research (2018)
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Peer-delivered harm reduction and recovery support services: Initial evaluation from a hybrid recovery community drop-in center and syringe exchange program
Ashford, R. D., Curtis, B., & Brown, A. M.
Harm reduction journal (2018)
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Substance use, recovery, and linguistics: The impact of word choice on explicit and implicit bias
Ashford, R. D., Brown, A. M., & Curtis, B.
Drug and Alcohol Dependence (2018)
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Systemic barriers in substance use disorder treatment: A prospective qualitative study of professionals in the field
Ashford, R. D., Brown, A. M., & Curtis, B.
Drug and Alcohol Dependence (2018)
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Collegiate recovery programs: The integrated behavioral health model
Ashford, R. D., Brown, A. M., & Curtis, B.
Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly (2018)
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What we know about students in recovery: Meta-synthesis of collegiate recovery programs, 2000-2017
Ashford, R. D., Brown, A. M., Eisenhart, E., Thompson-Heller, A., & Curtis, B.
Addiction Research & Theory (2018)
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Balancing risk and benefit in heavy drinkers treated with topiramate: Implications for personalized care
Feinn, R., Curtis, B., & Kranzler, H. R.
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry (2016)
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Using Web searches to track interest in synthetic cannabinoids (aka ‘herbal incense’)
Curtis, B., Alanis‐Hirsch, K., Kaynak, Ö., Cacciola, J., Meyers, K., & McLellan, A. T.
Drug and Alcohol Review (2015)
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Smoking and cellular telephone use among pregnant women seeking prenatal care: opportunities for intervention
Gilbert, J., Schnoll, R., Morrison, M. F., Srinivas, S. K., Pond, T., Curtis, B., Henry, J., & Kranzler, H. R.
Addictive Disorders & Their Treatment (2015)
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Web-based medical school education on substance use disorders
McLellan, A. T., Curtis, B. L., Nordstrom, B., & Skrajewski, J.
Drug and Alcohol Dependence (2015)
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The availability and depiction of synthetic cathinones (bath salts) on the Internet: Do online suppliers employ features to maximize purchases?
Meyers, K., Kaynak, Ö., Bresani, E., Curtis, B., McNamara, A., Brownfield, K., & Kirby, K. C.
International Journal of Drug Policy (2015)
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Social networking and online recruiting for HIV research: Ethical challenges
Curtis, B.L.
Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics (2014)
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Translating SBIRT to public school settings: An initial test of feasibility
Curtis, B. L., McLellan, A. T., & Gabellini, B. N.
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment (2014)
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A review of guidelines on home drug testing websites for parents
Washio, Y., Fairfax-Columbo, J., Ball, E., Cassey, H., Arria, A. M., Bresani, E., Curtis, B.L., & Kirby, K. C.
Journal of Addiction Medicine (2014)
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Understanding tailored Internet smoking cessation messages: A reasoned action approach
Curtis, B.
The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (2012)
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Confirming preferences or collecting data? Information search strategies and romantic partner selection
Hennessy, M. H., Fishbein, M., Curtis, B., & Barrett, D. W.
Psychology, Health & Medicine (2008)
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Evaluating the risk and attractiveness of romantic partners when confronted with contradictory cues
Hennessy, M., Fishbein, M., Curtis, B., & Barrett, D. W.
AIDS and Behavior (2007)
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When risky is attractive: Sensation seeking and romantic partner selection
Henderson, V. R., Hennessy, M., Barrett, D. W., Curtis, B., McCoy-Roth, M., Trentacoste, N., & Fishbein, M.
Personality and Individual Differences (2005)
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Romance and risk: Romantic attraction and health risks in the process of relationship formation
Fishbein, M., Hennessy, M., Yzer, M., & Curtis, B.
Psychology, Health & Medicine (2004)
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Factors influencing IDU and non-IDU female commercial sex workers’ intentions to always use condoms for vaginal sex with their regular partner
Johnson, B., Von Haeften, I., Fishbein, M., Kasprzyk, D., & Montano, D.
Psychology, Health & Medicine (2001)
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Evaluation of anti-drug public service announcements (PSAs): Comparison of computer-assisted and paper and pencil methodologies in a sample of adolescents from the Boys and Girls Clubs of Metropolitan Philadelphia
Fishbein, M., Von Haeften, I., Hall-Jamieson, K., Johnson, B., & Ahern, R. K.
Psychology, Health & Medicine (2000)
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